Sunday, September 12, 2010

I've Been Thinking

So... as you know I read this book. And I didn't appreciate the book, but there was at least one part that really got me thinking.

My fingers fly: "The first day in my new school these three older girls on the playground surrounded me. They were a pack. I was standing by the swings waiting for a turn and the leader said, 'You can't be serious. You couldn't even fit on that swing.' They all laughed. One of the other girls said, 'Even if you could squish in, we don't want you to break the new swing set.' I went to report them," I key, "but I found out the people with orange vests were the mediators. All three girls were wearing orange vests."

And then a little later in the book:

The principal says, "You've never reported any of this to the mediators. I don't have one report."

Gee... I wonder why... How does it happen that the people with all the power are the worst people in our lives at that moment? Father's rape their children, the people in charge at school are the bullies, bosses ask sexual favors in return for letting you keep your job, etc. How do you get around that? I suppose the boss on isn't as hard as the other, but the others are really hard. You go to your mother to tell her what's been happening, and she calls you a liar. When you go to tell the principal about the kids picking on you, he/she asks you why you haven't told the mediators.

I realize that it's too much work to do a background check on the students who want to be in charge, but really? You should at least pay attention to their behavior in class. If they are the type that is always picking on someone, obviously they should be allowed to be in charge of anyone.

And I know that there can never be a way to monitor who gets to become a parent. Still, I think that it should be made more obvious where people in that situation can go. It's not 911, because that is for emergencies happening now. They wouldn't be calling the police while it was going on, at least not typically. So who are they supposed to call?

Friday, September 10, 2010


Due to my long absence [just in case anyone cares, or maybe this is more for me...] I'm going to do a two-in-one! Post twice in one day, just to make sure there is some form of what's been going on.

I've been working a LOT. Over the summer 30+ hours a week, but now that school has started it's down to 20+ hours a week. Unfortunately I can't really cut back, especially if I want tuition reimbursement. [which btw i still have to apply for...] And with the cost of school I know I'm going to need the money, even if I don't need it right this second.

I started taking five classes, but in the first week I realized that work + five classes was way more than I can handle. Four is barely manageable... And one of those four classes is yoga! Lucky me yoga ends mid October. It was probably a mistake for me to try and tackle Chemistry this semester... But as I've never taken a Chemistry course before [i completely neglected it in high school] I have to take the Survey of Chemistry, and I figured it was better to just get the ball rolling. Hopefully I'm right.... College Algebra doesn't seem to be as big of a challenge as I expected... Statistics was way harder... Is that how it's supposed to be? I also have my health class going on, Drug Use & Abuse. So far I've hated almost every second spent in that classroom... But I need to stay at 12 credits to keep my financial aid. This next chapter is looking slightly promising, all about educating us stupid folk about the nervous system, which is extremely fascinating, and will no doubt prove useful in my later schooling. [i plan on becoming a medical examiner, minoring in photography]

I'm trying to take a look at several four year universities. Can't get the degree I want at community college, even if it is cheaper... I joined a sort of support group for people looking to get into STEM fields. [i already forgot what that stands for... math and science are in there...] They're supposed to help me pick my classes and keep me on track with my schooling.

Unfortunately I've gotten sick again... Something with my stomach this time. I can't really eat so well. Pretty much anything greasy/fatty I puke up. I went to the doctor, he's not sure if it's something to do with my gall bladder, or if my body is simply not used to those kinds of foods. So we're doing tests, trying to figure out what is wrong with me... Yet again.

I've also been reading some, when I'm not busy trying to overload myself on everything else. I've been quite pleased with most of the books I've read, but there have been a couple that really set me off... [see previous post]

In some ways it's kind of said, I've been so busy I've barely had time for my fiance [i still want to say boyfriend, so if i refer to him as such, don't be alarmed]. We're still at the same school, and it will stay that way until next year, fall semester, when he moves on the his four year university [in farm country] and works to get his four year degree. Which will be more good than sad, because the deal is we can get married once he finishes his degree and has a stable job. Easier said than done... He applied for spring semester, but for whatever reason they never received his application. Luckily they were very nice and returned to application fee, because there was a record of him having paid it... It just doesn't make any sense.

I've been wanting to get a pass to Lifetime fitness for awhile now... And with how much I am enjoying my yoga class I think that this is a really great opportunity to finally just do it. I'd like to continue taking yoga classes after mine at school has finished. Do you have to pay to take a yoga class if you are already a member of the gym? My mother thinks you do, and in some ways that makes sense, but in others I can't see why they would make you pay twice.

Anyway... I still love my job, and my people skills are becoming better as a result of working there! I'm planning on keeping this job til med school! 4-6 years down the line. Hopefully everything works out!

By The Time You Read This I'll Be Dead

I hate that book. I really hate it. There is really nothing good about it. Nothing. The ending is complete bullshit. Have I ever mentioned how I hate it when an author leaves you hanging? Well I hate it. With a fiery passion. I like to know what happened to the character that I followed for a couple hundred pages. I do not like to be left hanging! The worst possible ending for a book is one that is completely inconclusive, so much so that you keep turning pages, thinking that there will be more, only to find a study guide. And so desperate are you to find out what happens, you read the freaking discussion questions. Only to find that one of them is asking, "What do you think happens?" I know what I want to happen, but how I am supposed to come up with the ending? Believe it or not, there is a reason for authors. There is a reason they are the ones out there publishing books, not me. I know exactly how I want the book to end. And that is the very reason I need author to tell me what happens! I didn't read through all of those pages for nothing! I didn't read through all of those pages to be left hanging, and then keep flipping pages only to find self-help websites and suicide hot lines. Yeah... Because suicidal people read books about other people's miserable lives... I think not. I really think not. I don't just highly doubt, I am virtually positive. Though, I suppose you'd probably have to ask someone who actually wants to die rather than just trust my rantings. But seriously. I don't care how many places you post your stupid hot lines, they are likely to not find the right people. Because you're posting in all the wrong places.