Friday, September 10, 2010

By The Time You Read This I'll Be Dead

I hate that book. I really hate it. There is really nothing good about it. Nothing. The ending is complete bullshit. Have I ever mentioned how I hate it when an author leaves you hanging? Well I hate it. With a fiery passion. I like to know what happened to the character that I followed for a couple hundred pages. I do not like to be left hanging! The worst possible ending for a book is one that is completely inconclusive, so much so that you keep turning pages, thinking that there will be more, only to find a study guide. And so desperate are you to find out what happens, you read the freaking discussion questions. Only to find that one of them is asking, "What do you think happens?" I know what I want to happen, but how I am supposed to come up with the ending? Believe it or not, there is a reason for authors. There is a reason they are the ones out there publishing books, not me. I know exactly how I want the book to end. And that is the very reason I need author to tell me what happens! I didn't read through all of those pages for nothing! I didn't read through all of those pages to be left hanging, and then keep flipping pages only to find self-help websites and suicide hot lines. Yeah... Because suicidal people read books about other people's miserable lives... I think not. I really think not. I don't just highly doubt, I am virtually positive. Though, I suppose you'd probably have to ask someone who actually wants to die rather than just trust my rantings. But seriously. I don't care how many places you post your stupid hot lines, they are likely to not find the right people. Because you're posting in all the wrong places.

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