Thursday, April 8, 2010

And So...

Well, I was supposed to do my presentation for PWS on Monday, unfortunately one of my group members didn't have a voice. Thank the Lord, the teacher was not in one of her evil moods and is allowing us to present on Friday instead, after the other two groups. So we will not be receiving a zero! The only thing that sucks about this situation is that our presentation is not over and done with. I'm still sitting here thinking about it... Not fun. I would love to get on with it. I really hope that I have all of the genetics stuff down. And I really hope that they don't ask like any questions. Because it's very likely that I won't have a clue. I really only looked up the genetics of it. I didn't get into all of the weird cases. So I don't know about this one particular cases where this one person had this one strange thing happen to them. I do know a little bit about Angelman Syndrome, which is like its sister genetic disorder, but that is only because Angelman Syndrome is not some kind of freak accident [well I suppose technically it is] it's more common and because it is stronly tied in with PWS. So I know what we're supposed to know for this thing. And that's it. I didn't go crazy with with fancy random facts. That's just not my thing.

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