Sunday, April 4, 2010


In reality we all have problems. It doesn't matter where you live, who you know, how much money you have, where you are going to school, or what you plan on doing with your life. You have a problem. It may not be a big problem, but it's there. So, please somebody, tell me why people shun people who have problems that are different from their own. Do we [humans] just fear different? You hear a lot of people talking about diversity and how it's such a great thing, but the diversity they speak of is only racial. They are only talking about the color of our skin, not who we are as people. To achieve the greatest amount of diversity you need to not look at skin color. That is what Affirmative Action does not account for. It's only trying to make up for past white domination. That in itself is racist and discriminatory. Suddenly people of minorities are at a huge advantage. And this is supposed to be fair? I realize that in the past minorities were placed under the white majority and it was unfair, but wouldn't the fair thing to do be to raise them to equal status? Not raise them above and put them on a pedestal.

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