Friday, April 2, 2010

Uh Oh

When you've been visiting therapist offices for a long time you begin to learn how they really operate. There are a lot of misconceptions. A lot of people [if not most] will think of the waiting room as a bunch of people wearing all black with too many piercings and hair all sorts of funny colors. Not true. If you ever actually enter the waiting room for a therapist you'll be lucky to find one such person. [I'm not saying that these people don't go, because they do, but averagely you don't see them in there] You are more likely to find people [mostly women] in their 20's to 30's. All of them very average looking. When I went to my very first appointment I seriously thought that we had gone to the wrong place. And you know how almost everyone thinks that the best way to throw a therapist is to make them think that you are just as messed up as can be? Again not true. The better route is silence. Don't tell them anything, it makes them want to dig. If you have real issues, they'll just be able to tell, even if you don't talk. If you don't talk they can't figure out your issues, so if that was your goal, you're winning. It also helps if you don't have nervous habits. Nail biting is a dead giveaway. On the other hand, if you actually want this therapy to help you get better you have to cooperate. They can ask all the questions in the world, but you have to give truthful answers that go slightly deeper than "yes" or "no." They need some indicators, they can't read minds. Which is definitely the best part. So whenever you want to be done talking, just stop talking. They may prod a little more, to try and get little more out of you, but if you really don't want to talk anymore that session, just don't answer. That's always your best bet. Silence. It's golden.


  1. Silence is golden!? I should try that more often. :)

  2. It's very true. The thoughts flow better.
