Monday, March 8, 2010

As of Late

I've been back in school, on a more daily basis. It's rather nice. I'm actually somewhat able to keep up with my schoolwork. I'm not saying that I enjoy school. No one really does. There are always those classes that are hated, but are requied. [why do we need to take freshman composition in order to get a degree? i can see in some cases how that class would help, but in most cases, it's really just a waste of time] I still feel like I have endless amounts of time to waste, and I'll admit that sometimes I enjoy that, but sometimes it really gets old. You can only do the same thing over and over so many times before you realize that you are doing the same thing over and over. I am finally realizing it. And it's getting old. I may be doing different things within the video game, but it is still the same video game. [and, yes, it is the only video game i play. i don't like very many others] I may be reading different books, but I go through them so fast... and sometimes reading just plain hurts. It just contributes to the pain. Why am I cursed with constant migraines? If only they would go away, then I could go back to work. You have no idea how much I miss it. You probably think me crazy, wanting to go back to work. But I love my job. It is probably the best job in the world. Being a barista is a joy like no other. You get to meet some of the most interestig people in the world. One time [i work at a drive thru starbucks] there was this guy who came through the drive thru with some other guy. You could totally tell he was gay, you just could. And, it wasn't like he was being rude, because he was one of the nicest people that has gone through that drive thru. [most people who come through are complete and total jerks. there i said it.] but he seriously stopped at the menu board and had like a 5 min conversation with us, after he had placed his order. Appartently he was a hair stylist here in MN for some hair show. I didn't even know that they had hair shows. What is a hair show? Anyway, we were all dying of laughter, like almost to the point of crying. By the time they got up to the window we had managed to calm down. But then he got into another conversation mood. Telling us all about hair styling and how he would love to come back and do my hair sometime and Sherry's hair, totally embarassing the crap out of us, because we hadn't bothered to do anything with our hair at all that day. And then talking all about his life. And then he noticed my piercings [which i wasn't supposed to have in]. I think I have 10? All in my ears. And so he started a conversation about those. And of course he had to tell me about the only piercing he had... I'll let you figure it out. By the time he left it had been about 15 min since he had gotten his drink. And since I am the best at damage control, I had to work the window, which I hate! So I had to apologize to customers, and tell them what a funny customer we had just had and try to explain how we just couldn't get him to leave. A couple of the really pissed off ones got a free drink that day... but what can you do? People want their coffee, and they want it now.

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