Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Do You Ever...

Find yourself making up lyrics to songs as you listen to them? Even though your lyrics totally don't fit with the song? It's just the mood you're in. Or it's just the way that you think. Or you think that the artist is totally saying EXACTLY what you feel, and then they don't. So you have to improvise... Care to sing with me?

Skillet - Believe

"If you believed when I said that I wouldn't be thinking about you" then you're retarded.

The whole retarded thing kinda just throws off the whole flow of the song... Too many syllables in the wrong place. Not that what they wrote follows any strict pattern. It's more like a free form poem. But free form poems tend to pick up a style of their own. Each individual one has it's own pattern and flow. Or maybe it's just me that thinks that. It wouldn't be the first time that I came up with my own crazy thoughts. Well, you wanna know what I think? [probably not, but you're going to find out anyway] I think the world could do with some original, creative thought. Maybe then things would be just a little more bearable. Maybe if people stopped trying to stuff others into their little box of "ok" and "acceptable" things would be better. But people don't like to think outside of their box. It's not normal enough for them. What freaks.

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