Thursday, March 4, 2010


It seems to me that people have come to the conclusion that "normal" cannot be defined. I disagree. Once you have been thrown out of the norm you know EXACTLY what "normal" is. Normal is your head not killing you every second of every day, making daily tasks seem impossible to accomplish. Normal is not taking several naps a day in hopes of escaping the pain. Normal is not always being on the verge of screaming, but fearing to scream at the same time. Normal is being able to attend school and do all of your assignments, take all of your tests, and generally just be present and active in your learning. [not that you necessarily want to do that, but just having the ability to do so] Normal is not having to vent to a blog about every little thing that comes up just so you don't feel like exploding. Normal is being able to shower without the water pouring down on you making the pain worse. Normal is being able to breathe out of your nose. Normal is being able to lay on both of your sides. Normal is so many things that I can't even list them all, but I think/hope that you are starting to get the picture. Basically, normal is when you can function. When you can go about your daily life without a struggle. It's not based on appearance. That is pure opinion, but for some reason that is what everyone wants normal to be. Yeah, sure, there are those stupid trends that everyone is supposed to be following; and when people don't they get to be called freaks and stuff. Still. Not what normal can be defined as. Why? Because those trends are always changing. Even within one year there could be multiple different trends. Normal has to be a constant.

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