Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Late Nights

Can't sleep. Don't know why. Well, actually it's pry because my head is killing. They should really fix that. Only problem is they don't know what's wrong with me. At least not for sure. And in the medical world, you really don't just want to play around. I'd rather them value my life and try to salvage what remains of my health, instead of experimenting and trying to find the cure. A cure would be very nice to have. I just want it to be a proven cure. Not an experimental one. Big difference. Although there is still that chance of the proven cure not working. Because medicine is not perfect. Even though it should be. I guess it just likes to follow that finicky rule where "nothing is perfect." Sometimes it depresses me that nothing is perfect. You look at something from far away and it looks so beautiful and perfect; and then you get close to it and you can see all of its flaws. All of those tiny details made invisible by distance suddenly become so noticable that you can't possibly ignore them. It's horrid. I hate it. I just want to appreciate the pretty flowers, not be forced into seeing all the rips in the petals and the dirt still caked onto the stems. Sometimes it might be nice if the human eye took in just a little less detail.

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