Saturday, March 13, 2010


You know what the best part of being sick is? Getting better. The whole time you're sick all you want is to be better. [at least that's all I want] So when you finally do feel better, it's one of the greatest joys in the world. I'd put it up there with winning first place in a big softball tournament. The only thing missing is the adrenaline rush. But when you're just getting over a cold, you really don't need one of those. Another plus to getting better is that my mother stops making fun of me. I swear that what she says is a cold and what I say is a cold are two completely different things! I definitely cannot go around and function as usual, I am down and out. And my colds normally last for a couple of days. She always tells me that I'm such a baby and that I should get over it. Maybe when I'm like 30 and I actually have a real job I'll consider trying to be human while sick. Until then, no thank you. I will continue to bury myself beneath three blankets, drink 15 gallons of water, and sleep for three days.

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