Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Oh Cats...

You'd think one would appreciate you more, poor cats. You sit there all day, looking oh-so-cute, only to be ignored later on when all you want is a little scratch under your little chin. And when you come sit on my lap I only enjoy it for about a minute. Then I just get annoyed that I can't move around. And then I get uncomfortable. I start doing subtle things to annoy you, hoping you'll leave on your own so that I can move again and be comfortable. Why don't I just throw you off my lap? Look at how cute you are! Sitting there staring up at me, I could never just toss you aside like a sack of bricks. That's just cruel... I just don't like you sitting on my lap. I enjoy when you join me for a nap. That's actually very nice, until I accidentally roll over onto you while I'm sleeping. And I don't mind so much when you just sit next to me. But I have boundaries. And cat in lap crosses one of those invisible lines. Sorry little kitty. I still love you. Just, please, don't sit in my lap.

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