Thursday, March 11, 2010


One day I overhear a conversation. There is a guy talking to a girl. She asks him if he thinks he is going to marry his current girlfriend. He responds with something about probably, because they have been dating for over six months.

Six months? And now they are ready for marriage? My boyfriend and I have been dating for two years. Does that mean we should go elope? I really had thought that people would want to get to know each other before deciding to tie the knot. I mean, if you really think about it, how well do you really know someone after six months? They could have all sorts of weird voo-doo hidden in their closet. Even married couples manage to keep secrets like that from each other for years! So what makes anyone think that six months of dating is anywhere near enough time to decide if you want to spend the rest of your life with another person?

I have a shirt. In pink and blue it says, "Strangers Have the Best Candy." And to accompany these charming words is a poisonous looking lollipop with a skull on it. I think the shirt is hilarious. And that is why I bought it.

My mother works in an elementary school. She invited me to have lunch with her. Before meeting her I had a science lab to do [which was a complete disaster]. Without really thinking about it I pulled out my Stranger Candy shirt and went out and about and did my business. When my lab was finally over... [ugh] I realized two things. First, I didn't have my mother's lunch number with, so I wouldn't be able to eat lunch. And second, I was wearing my Stranger Candy shirt. The thought of trying to explain the statement being made by my shirt to eight year olds was quite humorous, but I didn't think the teachers and/or principle would find it funny. And kids take things very literally, so it probably just was not a good idea to wear the shirt there at all. So lunch with mother = canceled. Until a later date.


  1. In response to your comment on my blog...I don't think she(keyboard player) is that way. Maybe I am over analizing this and like some of my previous posts just going through some changes and instead of listening to God, like I should be doing, I am talking(typing on blog) it out. But typing it out does bring revelation. We will see I guess?.

    Now on to your post. 6 months into a relationship IS NOT, in my opinion, time to get married. My wife and I knew each other very well before we got married. She knew my ups and downs and what upsets me, etc and I saw hers. And yes, getting married you still find out LOTS more! Good thing for me though is I haven't found any voo-doo hidden in the closets.(not yet anyway; she does have her own closet though) I wonder why my head hurts? Ouch, there goes pain in my back! LOL.

    And your shirt...too funny!

  2. At least you are getting it out there, and not holding it in. I wish you luck in your revelation! And I hope it is soon in coming!

    lol So I'm not crazy for thinking that they're crazy? That's a relief! I don't want to rush into a marriage, I don't want to be another statistic for their divorce rate. I want marriage to be special, and forever.
